Social Media Without The Internet

This week has been a real eye opener for me.

Twitter As Social Media

Since May last year I have been twittering away on twitter [@andrewburnett ]. All the while I’ve been following others who entertain, interest and often educate me.

It has all felt very very social. But until this week I didn’t realise I was missing out on possibly the single greatest benefit of twitter: Meeting fellow twitts

Social Media In Real Life

This week I took the plunge and headed along to RefreshEdinburgh on Wednesday evening where I met (in no particular order):
@nonimage [Andy Lobban]
@sneeu [John Sutherland]
@roryf [Rory Fitzpatrick]
@nelstrom [Andrew Neil]
@EdinburghMenus [he who hath no card getteth his real name forgotten ;)].

Thursday evening my good lady wife accompanied me to a talk on social media (of all things) by Mike Coulter for the Edinburgh Internet Marketing Meetup Group . First and foremost it was a great talk with many insights, but it also brought many twitts together in one room. I met (again in no particular order):
and of course @mikecoulter.

If I’d managed to go to the pub afterwards no doubt I’d have collected even more @s! Mike plugged the Edinburgh Coffee Morning meet up which is every Friday morning – you’ve guessed it, I went.

This morning (Friday) I met (along with others from last night)
[edit]I didn’t get your twitter handles at the time, but found you since:

So What?

As much as you can squeeze into 140 characters nothing beats meeting people face to face, talking over a coffee and exchanging knowledge and ideas. That’s what!

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  1. Amen, sir! I’ve been a new media devotee since 1994 and though I love to geek out over the technology, it’s not a replacement for good old-fashioned “face-time”, to steal back a corporate phrase.

    You can surely get the essence of a person through devices, perhaps a glimmer of their spirit shines through their words and presentation, or reaches out to you across time and space by nature of your connection. But to stand in the presence of the same person and actually be wrapped in that energy (light, dark or balanced) is something that no media, no matter how inventive or incredible, can ever reproduce!

    Maybe that’s why tweet-ups are becoming so popular?


    Bing Futch


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