Never Mind the Bollocks, Here’s the Social Content.
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Never Mind the Bollocks, Here’s the Social Content.

You know how content marketing and social are all you need to do these days? How you should forget about advertising, forget about search, forget about banner advertising, forget about PR, forget about anything that isn’t content and social? Well, it’s bollocks, obviously. Just because hordes of content and social evangelists wax lyrical about the…


Money for Hate

Something, or rather someone, has reared their, frankly, blandly mediocre head above the parapet of castle hate. Samantha Brick, I’m sure you’ll know by now, wrote an article in the DailyMail about how tough her life is as a beautiful woman. The DailyMail, in an inspired moment, realised the potential of this hatebait article and…

ThinkVisibility 7: Think Harder.

ThinkVisibility 7: Think Harder.

The 2 events I look forward to each year more than any other are ThinkVisibility March and ThinkVisibility September. They simply are the greatest conferences. This time was no exception.Both in terms of the presentations and the attendees, it is a friendly, informative, face-hurtingly funny, utter belter of a weekend. This being the sixth “ThinkVis”…